European Comission highlights the technology developed in Watchplant Project
The project led by the ITE receives praise from the European Commission.
The european Watchplant project ended last December with very satisfactory results, with a biosensor “self-powered” by the sap of plants such as tomatoes. After 4 years of research and hard work, Watchplant –led by the Energy Technology Center (ITE)- and with top-level partners in Europe such as CSIC, KTH, CYBRES, FER, the University of Lübeck, Konstanza and CIM-MES, is now more than a project, a success story.
European Commission evaluation
So much so that the European Commission visited the ITE facilities in Paterna (Valencia) on February 18 and 19 to evaluate the work that has been carried out within the framework of the European project, and said evaluation highlighted the potential of the developed technology. The Commission was able to observe the new demonstration “in situ” (which includes the sap biosensor developed by the ITE and KTH, among others).
More opportunities for Watchplant
The Project Officer highlighted the work carried out and the opportunities that Watchplant offers for biotechnology. In fact, Watchplant has been invited to attend the European Innovation Council Summit 2025.